Illustration, Fine Art & Design by Diana Ludwig
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Request a free estimate for artwork directly with this automated form.   Or email (or call) the artist directly-- email:    phone: 330-530-2659

Please include as many details, specifications, or thoughts about the art you have in mind,
for instance, photos, similar pieces or links to online examples to indicate style, mood or purpose.
The more info provided, the more accurate an estimate we can give.

Estimates will be returned via your indicated contact info within 7 - 10 days.

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the art project you need an estimate for:
  Please select the best description...use the text area to elaborate:

mural (NE Ohio & NW PA only)
book cover
web graphics for website
digital print
greeting card
portrait(s) from life or photo
Other...describe below


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*A request for a free estimate signifies no obligation between requestor and Diana Ludwig,
Stormbird Studios, or Greenwood Blue Lotus Press.
Please read our Privacy Policy.

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Diana Ludwig 2411 Belltown Road Clarington, PA 15828 330-530-2659