1. The perspectives
shift... Sure
– Each hand Each eye sees
with Its own
styles Remembers Captures Frees Evanescent
as time The images Touch
and Flee.
2. The camera finds her in
a Corner Digging a grave of dust
with A tiny toothbrush – A cat
in one claw The child’s eyes
gaze Fixedly at the Metal eye
you are Holding before her And
with which you Expect to Catch
her at rest.
Her heart is
flying Her mind is Shaped like
a wing Her feet aimed at This
and that Her belly tingling
– Her eyes
stay Fixed.
Shake hands with... You
are... And I race across This
field of time Chasing a Bead of
rain A needle of hay To be
captured in This frame.
4. I see
you. Do you know me? Do my
colors Match your colors? My
eyes, Your eyes? Do we dance
alike, Or rather, in Dancing do
we Unfold the
same Visions?
I see what you
are There Boxed for a
while Intemperate Squeamish
Your soul laid out Like
that. Arya
F. Jenkins 12/2004