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Innards of A Chocolate Factory

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To choose the colour of your factory, hover over the asterisks...
rice bin for mixing chocolate with rice drawingTask I

Cleaning The Mixer

A. Get a parts cart or flatbed.
B. Lift off the screen (1), lay it back out of harm’s way.
C. Lift off bin (2), lay back out of the way.
D. Scoop out contents into a good carton.
E. When the auger is uncovered, vacuum the rest,
     lifting the flap (3a) to get everything
F. Unscrew hand screws (3b and 3c)
G. Remove cover (3d) by its handle
H. Wipe it off.
I.  Remove auger.
J.  Lay everything on a cooler duct.
K. Unscrew hand screws (4a and 4b)
L. Swing down flap (4c)
M. Lift off small bin (3), separating it from the box (4).
N. If small bin has chocolate on its bottom,
    carry downstairs and put on the parts truck or flatbed.
O. Remove box (4) and wipe clean if possible.
     If not put on truck also.



(an easy to follow guide
for the rest of us)

These procedures can be used to meet any of 4 goals:

#1. A shutdown due to malfunctions of varying degrees.
#1 A. Emergency
#1 B. Non emergency

#2. A system that is ready to go for the next run either hours or days in
the future. This is the usual, most normal way of shutting down.

#3. A partially empty system ready for an ingredient change.

#4. A entirely empty system ready for maintenance work or a change of
product type.

│1 A  │
Shutting Down As Quickly as Possible Upon Hearing a Piece of Equipment
 Make Self destruction Sounds, or Smoke or Flame or Flood Appears.

Objective: You want to avoid damage to equipment, or hazardous

A. Push in the red emergency slap button on the door of the large yellow
cabinets housing the PLC.

B. Select "System Stop" on the system that needs to be shut down.

C. If a part of the process is going haywire & nothing is actually on
the verge of exploding or otherwise doing damage to the system it is
probably safe to simply shut off the MCC breakers &/or the local
breakers for the problem area. The situation can then be assessed &
you can decide if a system shutdown is needed. If so, follow the
steps under #1 B.

│1 B  │ Shutting Down As Quickly As Possible Due To:
a. Maintenance needing to repair something as soon as possible.
b. You have run out of space in all Final Tanks.
c. You have run out of an ingredient such as sugar, whey, oil,
d. Lack of time for some reason.

Objective: You only want to finish the batches already begun & to
empty the 2 sets of scales.

A. Select "None" Fat Tank (if a batch of fat is already beginning to
come in, wait until it is all in).

B. Hit "Shutdown Powder" (if it is already bringing in the first
ingredient, wait until it starts bringing in the second ingredient).

C. When the kneader is empty & the weigh scale is empty, "System Stop"
may be hit.

D. If there is still a batch up in the weigh scale you will have to turn
back on the fat tank that was being used for one more batch. Go back
to "Cycle Parameters" & select the tank. Wait for the fat to come
in, then go back & select "None" fat tank again. On the other hand,
if maintenance is in an extreme hurry to begin the repair, this step
may be deleted and whoever starts up will need to make a manual batch in
the kneader and also run the grinding area manually until that dry
batch can be dropped.

E. If there is no rush you can wait until the high level sensor is on at
the surge hopper, & the screw conveyor to the mill shuts off, before
hitting "System Stop".

F. If there is plenty of time & you want the system full, the high level
sensor of the pre mixer should be on. If the last weigh scale batch
has dropped into the mixer & the high level sensor is not on, another
weigh scale batch can be run. Don't forget to hit "Shutdown Powder"
after the first ingredient is brought in. If an ingredient has run
out, of course, this cannot be done.

│2   │ Having The System Down & Full By A Certain Time
Objective: You want to run as many batches as possible in the
available time, you want the 2 scales empty & you want the surge
hopper & the pre mixer full. Again, this is the most normal usual
way of shutting down.

A. Using the End of Run Summary determine average batch time for the past
couple hours on each system. Figure out the # of your last weigh
scale batch so you'll know when to hit "Shutdown Powder". Figure out
your last kneader batch so you'll know when to select "None" Fat Tank.

1. End of Run Summary is found under the "Recipe Download" pull down

2. Choose your System, go to the last batch using the black arrow

3. Looking at the "Date/Time" box on the right, note the time. This
is the time that the kneader discharge valve opened to begin
pumping out the finished batch & this is when the system counts a
batch at the kneader.

4. Go back a few batches noting the times each one finished & figure
out the time between: these are your batch times(that is, the
length of a batch). Take the hours you have to run yet & divide
by this average batch time to get the number that can probably be

5. To ensure that you are on track time wise mark down your projected
batch times. This will also give you the # of the last 4 batches
of cocoa. (for example: if you figure out batch time is about 40
min. then if batch #34 begins pumping out at 7:15pm + 40
min.batch time = batch #35 begins pumping out at 7:55pm + 40 min.
= batch #36 begins pumping out at 8:35pm + 40 min.= #37 begins
pumping out at 9:15pm, etcetera.)

6. The system counts a batch at the weigh scale when the slide gate
of the weigh scale closes after dropping the batch into the pre
mixer. (System I pre mixer is called Scott Mixer. The one on
System II is called BE 2000.

7. Normally it takes 2 weigh scale batches to make one batch at the
kneader so it is safe to calculate needing twice as many batches
at the weigh scale as at the kneader.

8. So if you know the last batch out of the kneader will be, for
example, #32, that means you can probably let the weigh scale
bring in 64 batches.

C. If the system is going to be down for more than 8 hours the lower bin
of the cocoa bin should be drained.

1. Close the manual slide gate above it & let the lower bin run
2. The bin holds about 436 lbs. which could make about 4 weigh scale
batches but this will depend on the recipe(s) being run.
3. Remember to close off the air supply to the air sweeps before
opening the door of the lower bin.
4. Place a large white pan under the door before opening. Use a
large scoop & a paddle to push the cocoa down to the airlock. Do
not let the paddle get near the moving airlock: turn off the
local breaker for the airlock if you need to work near the
5. Often the cocoa will not move through the airlock fast enough &
you will need to scoop it out & dump it into the air intake of the
BD pipe. (Remove the air filter cover & the air filter first.
Use Caution! The blower will immediately suck any objects smaller
than the pipe's opening into the pipe, including & not limited to
the gloves off your hands. Use Caution!)

│3 │ Having the system ready for an ingredient change
Objective: Last batches should be out of the kneader & the weigh
scale, the Pre mixer will be empty, and the surge hopper will be
empty or low.

System I only for dry ingredient change:
A. Determine the number of the last kneader batch. Determine the
number of the last weigh scale batch. Monitor a couple weigh scale
batches being dropped to see at what point the high level sensor of
the surge hopper turns on. Make sure the Pre Mixer is regularly
showing its high level sensor.

B. See above directions for emptying lower cocoa bin. If you are
changing the ingredients in the bins before your normal last weigh scale batch if only the Pre mixer
needs to be empty; 8 if the surge hopper must also be empty.

C. Hit "Shutdown Powder" 3 batches before the normal last weigh scale
batch. The lower cocoa bin should have been empty at that point.


Diana Ludwig 2411 Belltown Road Clarington, PA 15828   330-530-2659