pine branch drawing drawing of pine boughs
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1. “He chose to do this through artistic impulse or flakiness or whatever…” “[the idea of ] college may be totally dead and we are still not acknowledging it…” “You read some poetry and you think of some guy up in the attic eating onions,”TQ “Do you do weddings?”NB “You need a ladder,”Dr K,art dean “We don’t deal with reality here,”Pagerly Security guard “Did you know your heart stops beating when you sneeze?”GS, audio-visual prof “I have no time to rake leaves—it’s the college’s fault,”JPB, art historian prof “Watch out for the wolves in the ArtStore,”a December graduate “At least they’re ‘using’ the books,” CM “Perfection is the name of the game,” PT “Do yourself a favor and get some sleep,” JS “I mean I could go through life and never miss a Swedish meatball-maker…,” JK “…owned by a little old lady; never barked,” CM, “Paint what you love, what you know,” AP librarian “After four hours of searching I’ve located my lost paycheck,” ME, art ed prof “Art is not as mysterious as some people think,” ava “Please leave the ironing cover on. we get hell downstairs.” Polly, housekeeping “Follow your heart,” AK , fine art prof “Seconds are in line two,” cafeteria lady#1 “If you can say it better in writing or something else then you shouldn’t be here,” GS “There’s so much energy going on in that room!” ldm “Take the Road To Nowhere, then 2 lefts,” lady#2 “You can’t be an artist if you don’t like beer,” arg “I’m so confused!” a freshman “Flowers!” AC “We have to be careful that this doesn’t become Copycat University,” TQ “Take up colour,” NA “Stick it anywhere—they’ll never know,” CM “Just a nod or a little brightness in your eye…thank you,” WB “I guess I’d look like that, too, if I went through the wash that many times,” roommate #4 “Aren’t you afraid of people who won’t use words?” AT “Do you like what you’re doing?” ags “Which way did she go?” psg “I’ve got this idea for a cartoon: it’s about this mouse with big ears that talks…” ML, graphic arts prof “Don’t you have window in your Room.If you don’t want them in your window don’t put them here all the time. Or I’ll give them to Mrs. G,” P “You’ll do anything to feign popularity,” ad “I’ve never known a painting or drawing to attack someone…” GS “That’s why I don’t belong to the union,” AK “ya gonna use it for an art project?” hardware store clerk “You should read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” PS

read all these art school quips & quotes that made me the artist I am today................
collegiate pearls of wisdom circa 1978--82
>> go to quotes >>>>>>
Karen Fry wrote in TAA newsletter profile, 2005: Diana majored in Drawing and minored in Art History when she got her BFA. But her work today has expanded to include photography (particularly cyanotype photonegative photography), intaglio etching printmaking, and solvent transfers (ala Robert Rauschenberg). She enjoys the experimental and has lots of curiosity about processes. Because of this fascination, she usually has many projects going on at once, pulling in different directions. Her website  has many more examples of where this exploration has taken her. She wants to continue to explore printmaking processes. Diana always carries a sketchbook with her wherever she goes. And she loves journaling. She takes notes, sketches and paints in her journals, especially when she’s on trips, to preserve the experience. She even paints watercolor postcards to send to friends while in her travels. Diana was one of the artists who won a YSU Penguin commission last year. Hers was “Universal Penguin Has Stars in Its Eyes” and is now outside the YSU Planetarium. She is interested in freelance illustration projects and fine art commissions. Her illustrations can be found in “Condensed Matter and Other States of Mind” (a book of poetry by Doug Fowler).

first art project

art test
Male Mail Problem

art in the mail and the fine lines of copyright laws
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How To Do A Rosa Winda

 Beckett the play's anachronistic rose window -- commissioned by Victorian Players -- how to do it thanks to this German woman's book (find info)

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all images © Diana Ludwig 2411 Belltown Road Clarington, PA 15828   330-530-2659